Survey on Synthetic Drugs in Nigeria

Rapid Assessment on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Relating to Synthetic Drugs in Nigeria


Dear Participant,

We invite you to participate in a survey titled "Rapid Assessment on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Relating to Synthetic Drugs in Nigeria." This survey aims to gather important data on synthetic drug awareness, usage, and control among various groups, including persons who use substances, public health professionals, and law enforcement officers. Your insights will help shape effective strategies and interventions to address synthetic drug challenges in Nigeria.

Consent Statement

Your participation is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time. The information you provide will be confidential and used solely for research purposes. No personal identifiers will be collected. By proceeding, you consent to participate in this survey. If you have any questions, please contact the survey administrator or message/call 07053486054. Thank you for your valuable contribution


Synthetic drugs, also known as new psychoactive substances (NPS), are designed to mimic or be an alternative to the effects of existing illicit drugs such as cannabis, khat, cocaine, Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD). These synthetic drugs often mimic the effects of their natural counterparts but can be more potent and dangerous due to variations in their chemical structures.

1. Demographics

2. Gender
3. What is your highest level of education?
4. What is your discipline/field of study/profession?

5. Years of experience in the field of drug control or demand reduction
6. Occupational Status

7. Work setting

9. Geographical Location

2. Persons who use drugs/substances

1. Have you ever used synthetic drugs?
1b. If yes, how often?

2. List the synthetic drug(s) you have ever used (check all that apply).

Category: Stimulants

Synthetic Drugs:

Category: Synthetic Cannabinoids

Synthetic Drugs:

Category: Synthetic Opioids

Synthetic Drugs:

Category: Hallucinogens

Synthetic Drugs:

Category: Dissociatives

Synthetic Drugs:

Category: Benzodiazepines

Synthetic Drugs:

Category: Synthetic Cathinones (Bath Salts)

Synthetic Drugs:
5. How do users typically acquire synthetic drugs?

6. How easy are synthetic drugs accessible in your community or area?
7. Have you ever attended events or places where synthetic drugs were being used?
8. Have you ever experienced any adverse effects after using synthetic drugs?
9. Have you ever sought medical help or advice after using synthetic drugs?
10. Do you know anyone who has had serious health issues due to synthetic drug use?

3. Public Health Professionals

1. Have you ever heard of synthetic drugs or new psychoactive substances (NPS)?
2. If yes, from which of these sources did you first hear of synthetic drugs?

3. Can you name the synthetic drugs used in your community/area? (Please click the "+" by the box to add more)
Synthetic drugs
Please provide sources. For example, locally sourced or produced, trafficked from other countries etc.
6. Do you know what synthetic drugs are designed to do?
7. Do you know the differences between synthetic drugs and traditional illicit drugs?
8. Which of these opioids are readily available in your community or area? Tick as many as applicable
9. Which of these opioids are commonly used in your community or area? Tick as many as applicable
10. Is naloxone available to reverse opioid use overdose in Nigeria?
11. If yes, who readily has access to its use?

12. If naloxone is not available in Nigeria to reverse opioid use overdose, would you recommend its availability?
If yes, who would you recommend should have access to naloxone in Nigeria?

13. Are synthetic drugs covered by the most recent Narcotics/Drug Laws in Nigeria?
14. Do you support that synthetic drugs should be legal?
16. Do you believe synthetic drugs have any medical or recreational benefits?
18. How risky do you think it is to use synthetic drugs?
19. Are opioids, traditional opioids like heroin or synthetic opioids like fentanyl, available in Nigeria?
20. If yes, is naloxone available in Nigeria to reverse overdose?
21. If yes, who has access to naloxone?

22. From where do you get most of your information about synthetic drugs?

23. Have you received any formal education or training about the risks of synthetic drug use?
24. Would you like to receive formal education or training on how to prevent the use of synthetic drugs?
26. Would you like to participate in a program aimed at educating people about the dangers of synthetic drugs?
27. Are you aware of any local resources or support systems available for individuals struggling with synthetic drug use?

4. Law Enforcement

1. Have you ever heard of synthetic drugs or new psychoactive substances (NPS)?
2. If yes, from which of these sources did you first hear of synthetic drugs?

3. Can you name the synthetic drugs used in your community/area? (Please click the "+" by the box to add more)
Synthetic drugs
Please provide sources. For example, locally sourced or produced, trafficked from other countries etc.
6. Do you know what synthetic drugs are designed to do?
7. Do you know the differences between synthetic drugs and traditional illicit drugs?
8. Which of these opioids are readily available in your community or area? Tick as many as applicable
9. Which of these opioids are commonly used in your community or area? Tick as many as applicable
10. Is naloxone available to reverse opioid use overdose in Nigeria?
11. If yes, who readily has access to its use?

12. If naloxone is not available in Nigeria to reverse opioid use overdose, would you recommend its availability?
If yes, who would you recommend should have access to naloxone in Nigeria?

13. Are synthetic drugs covered by the most recent Narcotics/Drug Laws in Nigeria?
14. Do you support that synthetic drugs should be legal?
16. Do you believe synthetic drugs have any medical or recreational benefits?
18. How risky do you think it is to use synthetic drugs?
19. Are opioids, traditional opioids like heroin or synthetic opioids like fentanyl, available in Nigeria?
20. If yes, is naloxone available in Nigeria to reverse overdose?
21. If yes, who has access to naloxone?